Contains 25 tea bags
Alka Tee is an alkaline tea that enhances the body's circulation. It ensures the drainage of excess body fluids and improves metabolism. It also supports the cleansing of the bladder, the liver, and the kidneys. Because of the balanced variation in our 52 selected herbal mix, you can drink Alka® Tea on a daily basis
Agrimony, alchemilla, anise, apple, bears garlic, blackberry leaves, summer savory, nettle leaves, bridewort, lemon, lemon peel, tarragon, milfoil, fenugreek, raspberry leaves, lavender, speedwell, gill run, gum tree, vervain, juniper, fruits, chamomile, cinnamon, caraway fruits, coriander fruits, clove, curly parsley, lovage, lime blossoms, marigold, acemes, marshmallow, melissa, origan, elder, dandelion roots, horsetail, turmeric, pansy tricolor, peppermint leaves, rose, rosemary, celery, silverweed, lungwort, thyme, dill, sage, fennel, ribwort plantain, yerba mate, basil, black pepper.
If you are pregnant or suffer from any illness, allergies, or taking medication please consult your doctor before use.
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